czwartek, 19 grudnia 2013


At the start of the war in Pińczów lived 3.5 thousand Jews. In the autumn of 1942 Germans started their thoroughly planned destruction. Jews were transported to nearby city Jędrzejów by train but some of them had to go on food 20 kilometers. Not all Jewish who lived here have been sent to the concentration camp. Numerous Jewish people found a shelter in homes of their Polish friends or in villages near Pińczów. One of the Jews who survived  was rabbi Rapaport Szepsia, he was hiding in the house of Polish family – The WIlczyńscy. Unfortunately not all. Jews were so lucky. Germans were constantly looking for Jews and searching every house in Pińczów. When they found any Jewsh people they were shot on the spot together with their Polish friend who were giving them shelter. There have been severed executions in Pińczów and nearby villages. I would like to emphasise that only in Poland and Ukraine every attempt to help Jewish people was punished with or death penalty.

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